
William J Kozersky, Philatelist

Philatelist and dealer in collectible Charity Seals such as Christmas Seals, Spring Seals, Local TB Seals, Foreign TB Seals, Easter Seals, Boys Town Seals, Charity Seals, and Charity Seal Literature. Plus, Cinderella Stamps, Topical and Foreign Stamp Packets, Disney Stamps, Stamp Collecting Supplies, Postcards, and Collectible Labels.

We donate 10% of all U.S. Christmas Seals & U.S. Spring Seals sales to the American Lung Association (ALA)

7-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seals, Block, Type 1

1907-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seal, Type 1, block of 4 seals.

7-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seals, Block, Type 1


1907-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seals, Type 1, block of 4, VF, full gum, MNH. Issued 1907 by the Delaware Chapter of the American Red Cross. Designed by Ms. Emily Bissell. Image of Red Cross, with text "Merry Christmas"

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1907-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seals, Type 1, block of 4, VF, full gum, MNH. Size 19x19mm, perf. 14. Issued by the Delaware Chapter of the American Red Cross. Image of Red Cross, with text "Merry Christmas"

Fresh block of four (4) of the first U.S. Christmas Seal. Nicely centered with even margins outside through center, vertical perfs are shifted slightly right, but still well clear of the design.

The 1907 Christmas Seal was issued by the Delaware Chapter of the American Red Cross. There were two types: Type 1 - "Merry Christmas," and Type 2 - "Merry Christmas / Happy New Year." This seal is a Type 1. The 1907 Christmas Seal was designed by Ms. Emily P. Bissell.

Christmas Seals are also known as TB Charity Seals, and are usually classified as Charity Seals, or Cinderella Stamps.

1907-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seal, Type 1, block of 4 seals.
WX1, 1907 U.S. Christmas Seal
1907-1, WX1, 1907 U.S. Red Cross Christmas Seal, Type 1, block of 4 seals.